Blonde Ambition (1981)Directed by: John Amero, Lem Amero
Starring: Suzy Mandel, Dory Devon, Eric Edwards
Language: English original + Commentary
Subtitles: English (optional not embedded)
3,75GB - 82’49’’ - 1920x1038 - MKV
USA - BlurayQuite possibly the most laugh out loud porn comedy ever made, running a close second to Radley Metzger's THE OPENING OF MISTY BEETHOVEN and this only because most of the sex isn't particularly stimulating (at least not in the, ahem, "traditional" sense as that aspect too provides ample fodder for your funny bone) nor was intended that way. It was the crowning achievement for the New England bred Amero brothers, two gay siblings whose cinematic credentials stretch all the way back to '60s sexploitation (BODY OF A FEMALE, THE LUSTING HOURS) before branching out into their own unique brand of hardcore with 1970's avant-garde oddity BACCHANALE and the flamboyantly funny DYNAMITE and EVERY INCH A LADY, both of which already extensively showcased their queer sensibilities. Still, nothing could prepare predominantly straight adult audiences for BLONDE AMBITION, a brazenly poof spoof of classic Hollywood musicals with big production numbers (well, as big as its reportedly $30,000 budget would allow anyway) alternating with intimate interludes that left little to the imagination.
By Nodriesrespect
Mandel, while she engages pretty explicitly in this film, any actual penetration in her scenes was a body double.