Explicit Vimeo explicit



La Stance d'Amalia​

Je ne sais pas si nous avons posté ceci avant que je ne m'en souvienne, bref sexe explicite à 05h50 et quelques autres nudités explicites tout au long.
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The Big Tease (2017)​

Some full frontals, erection and some genital touching on the erection. It's a shame it had potential to be better.
Agree, it definitely have more potential, but great find! It’s just a teaser though, so there might be more.
What I think it’s funny is that the author of the vid wrote:“There is absolutely no sex or sexuality portrayed in this short film, only acting, script dialogue and artistic interplay.”
We all know it’s scripted, but really… the dude had a full erection there… how’s that not sexual? No matter how much acting and script is in place, no man gets an erection like that just because he wants to without being at least aroused lol so it is sexual! Woman for sure can fake it and not be feeling anything, but a man cannot lol
Agree, it definitely have more potential, but great find! It’s just a teaser though, so there might be more.
What I think it’s funny is that the author of the vid wrote:“There is absolutely no sex or sexuality portrayed in this short film, only acting, script dialogue and artistic interplay.”
We all know it’s scripted, but really… the dude had a full erection there… how’s that not sexual? No matter how much acting and script is in place, no man gets an erection like that just because he wants to without being at least aroused lol so it is sexual! Woman for sure can fake it and not be feeling anything, but a man cannot lol
I agree. Def real sex. First actress jerks him. And if you slow it down at 4:26 and 5:13 you can see both actresses put his dick in their mouths. Plus most if not all actresses involved are in porn.


I agree. Def real sex. First actress jerks him. And if you slow it down at 4:26 and 5:13 you can see both actresses put his dick in their mouths. Plus most if not all actresses involved are in porn.
Good catch. At 5.13 it’s clear she puts his dick in her mouth. Again, I never get when they say it’s all artistic and scripted and not sexual at all. Like, she clearly did some oral there and the dude had a full erection on screen(so clearly aroused) and he still writes it was not sexual at all?