Explicit Underground and independent cinema with explicit sex


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Dværgen (1973)
AKA The Sinful Dwarf AKA Esclavas del Sadismo
[Uncut Version]

Country: Denmark
Language: English original
Subtitles: Spanish (optional not embedded)
Length: 01:35:30
Resolution: 1472x1080 (Bluray)
Size: MP4 2,10Gb
Genre: Crime, Horror, Sexploitation,

Why, in heaven's name, would anyone want to watch a trashy movie about a perverted midget who keeps heroine-addicted girls imprisoned in his attic? Well personally, I had TWO damn good reasons to track this sick movie down! First of all because it's generally known as a unique and ultra-rare exploitation gem, or more particularly, "the reigning king of dwarfsploitation cinema", like my fellow reviewer teptime put it so poetically! Secondly, I have a bizarre phobia of "little people" and every film featuring dwarfs, whether horror or another genre, simply scares the hell out of me. So, if I ever need a reason to justify why I watch sick stuff like this, I'll just claim it was part of my therapy! Hence, despite that the screenplay doesn't really focus on tension or atmosphere, I found this movie to be rather unsettling at times. Olaf, portrayed by the Danish actor Torben Bille, certainly isn't the most freaky-looking dwarf in horror cinema history (his face strangely resemblances that of comedian Jack Black, actually), but he has quite an evil laugh and his dedication towards noisy children's toys truly sent cold shivers down my spine. Olaf lives together with his mother and runs a boarding house. As a slightly more profitable profession, they also have an attic full of attractive young girls that serve as prostitutes for a selected group of customers. Olaf keeps the girls calm and willing by injecting heroine up their veins and offering them toys. Their business becomes endangered when a young couple moves into the house and questions the strange sounds coming from the attic. "The Sinful Dwarf" is an extremely sleazy motion picture, with raw female full frontal nudity in nearly every sequence and a gigantic amount of rapes, beatings and vile torture. Other than that, there's very little to see here and the pace is too frequently undercut by overlong and dire scenes of Olaf's mother and some other granny thinking back about their glorious days as cabaret singers. How this is relevant in any possible way, don't even ask The young couple, especially the girl, are surprisingly likable characters and their acting skills aren't even that bad. The picture quality is very poor and the sound regularly fell out, but hey, the immeasurable cult-value makes up for pretty much everything. "The Sinful Dwarf" is an absolute must for collectors, sick puppies and not to forget other people with a inexplicable fear for little persons.
By Coventry​

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A Climax of Blue Power (1974)

Country: USA
Language: English original
Subtitles: Spanish (optional not embedded)
Length: 01:21:51
Resolution: 1920x1036 (Bluray)
Size: MP4 1,83Gb
Genre: Drama, Crime, Thriller, Sexploitation,

Sensational pornographic thriller filmed in mainstream style, in which an urban psychopath, a former police officer expelled from the force, takes advantage of his acquired knowledge to pursue, harass and rape different women. His violent and misogynistic nature leads him to an escalation of crimes while, at the same time, he poses as a law enforcement agent to extort shady deals and compulsively listen to the police radio while tracking down his next victim. It seems like a very interesting erotic exercise that Lee Frost (a director more versed in R-rated plots) applies here, including explicit sex scenes, of course, and providing a certain realism to the violent vignettes. In certain sexual acts one immediately senses the use of substitute actresses, as well as the technical resource of close-ups to avoid discovery. And that is where A Climax of Blue Power falters, a masterful film embedded in the underworld of commercial pornography.
By MartinOaks​

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Je Brûle de Partout (1979)
AKA I Burn All Over

Country: France
Language: French original
Subtitles: English, Spanish (optionals not embedded)
Length: 01:21:15
Resolution: 1440x1080 (Bluray)
Size: MP4 2,36Gb
Genre: Adventure, Sexploitation, Crime,

Susan Hemingway hooks up with a guy at a discoteque (GREAT disco scene!), has unwilling sex (Brigitte Lahaie joins in on the action) and is drugged and sold off to a "deluxe bordello" where a bunch of dirty, moaning girls are kept in a constant state of excitement by some sort of sex-gas that is pumped into their living quarters. This is film has almost non-stop softcore sex but is still interesting for a francophile due to the dark subject matter and claustrophobic, sweaty atmosphere. There is no happy sex in this film, only rape, perversion, sadism and unfulfillment (as usual in Franco's world). Very low budget film, even by Franco's standard, Franco does the best to cover up the absence of a budget, a descent crew and good locations with some interesting/eccentric camera work and angles. I liked it, but it's almost impossible to discuss in terms of "good" and "bad" and I wouldn't recommend to anybody who haven't been bitten by the Franco bug.
By oraklon​

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All about Anna (2005)
[Uncut Producers Version]

Country: Denmark
Language: English original
Subtitles: English, Spanish (optionals not embedded)
Length: 01:31:34
Resolution: 1280x720 (HDRip)
Size: MP4 2,00Gb
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,

Oh, how much I wanted to like this movie ! For those of you familiar with my rantings, you already know my interest in movies that fuse the art-house approach with the grind house sensibility, just my fancy way of saying I like flicks that try to incorporate explicit sex into a mainstream narrative. In recent memory, movies like John Cameron Mitchell's magnificent SHORTBUS or the French BAISE-MOI did a splendid job thereof. Some ten years ago, much ballyhoo was made of Lars Von Trier's Zentropa production unit generating an off-shoot called Puzzy Power dedicated to creating "female-friendly" porn. Something of a Von Trier trademark, his attention span rapidly wore out and three well received efforts - CONSTANCE, PINK PRISON and the gay feature HOTMEN, COOLBOYZ - later, the off-shoot (temporarily ?) halted its production endeavors, with Nicolas Barbano's frugal Innocent Pictures attempting to pick up the slack. ALL ABOUT ANNA, made with means far too modest for its ambitions, in addition to being plagued by myriad unforeseen circumstances such as the sudden Scandinavian backlash against sexually explicit representation, represents its inaugural effort.
Proudly proclaiming itself "a HeartCore feature" (I couldn't make this up !), ANNA was the feature directorial debut of Jessica Nilsson, a Danish film school graduate gathering some acclaim for her short film work including the award-winning THE SAUSAGE, which probably landed her this gig if the title's anything to go by ! Rumor has it, Nilsson went against contract and delivered a largely soft-core edit of the film, which was then attempted to salvage by the producers with additional (and not just explicit) footage to make good on their publicity promise of anything that could pass for "women's erotica". Actually, it's a bit more than a rumor as Nilsson's virtually unwatchable "director's cut" on the second disc of an overreaching 3 disc DVD edition clearly testifies. So you kind of have to approach the movie as a rescue mission and, admittedly, as such (if, sadly, only as such) it's not too bad.
By Nodriesrespect​

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Ken Park (2002)

Country: USA, Neetherlands, France
Language: English original
Subtitles: English (optional not embedded)
Length: 01:32:22
Resolution: 720x578 (DVD)
Size: MKV 1,99Gb
Genre: Drama,

Reading the local (Belgian) reviews for this movie, you'd seriously think we're moving back in time. Critics seem to be bending over backwards in their defense of sexually explicit imagery (okay, there's a little bit of what could be considered hardcore footage here, but nothing on the level of, say, BAISE-MOI for instance), once again trying to establish the thin line between art and pornography, forgetting (conveniently, perhaps ?) to really focus on the film instead. Could it be that Harmony Korine's razor sharp screenplay, largely based on the personal experiences of some of director Larry Clark's friends and models, actually hit too close to home for a lot of people to admit ?
Though the sleepy suburb in this movie might qualify as quintessential Americana by definition of many, I can assure you that the stuff that happens over there takes place all over the world. A lot of things both the adolescents and their parents go through were instantly recognizable to me personally, and I'm a 35 (going on 36) year old employee from that minuscule ant heap of a country called Belgium. How's that for universal appeal?
Too many adult viewers would still seem to prefer to deny the very possibility that their teen-aged children harbor strong sexual desires, let alone the likely consequence that they've already acted upon them ! It may strike some as slightly unsavory that now 59 year old Larry Clark addresses such issues (especially given the level of unflinching honesty and carnal frankness demonstrated here), as he did in both KIDS and BULLY previously, but nearly no one else apparently dares to come anywhere near this topic as of yet. Much more than simply courting controversy, Clark (and co-helmer Lachman) have crafted a beautiful, funny, touching, heartbreaking and absolutely haunting (those final frames with the titular Ken Park will be etched in my mind for life) work of, yes, art.
By Nodriesrespect​

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The Image (1975)
AKA L'Image
[Uncut Version]

Country: USA
Language: English original
Subtitles: English, Spanish (optionals not embedded)
Length: 01:31:01
Resolution: 1280x720 (HDRip)
Size: MKV 2,63Gb
Genre: Drama, Sexploitation
, Erotic

Even in its explicit version (there is a softcore cut), The Image should not be considered a typical pornographic film, since, although it is true that it is sprinkled with sublimed scenes of oral sex, there is not a single penetration scene in the entire film and, of course, there are no exchanges of fluids so typical of that genre. We could therefore consider that The Image is an erotic film with high doses of sex, but above all with a very well-worked trick, very much in the style of its director: the purest morbidity.
The theme of bondage and SM, which is the central theme of the plot, should not offend those of us who are not versed in those arts, since the scenes are treated in a very subtle (and somewhat noisy) way and with the elegance of a product intended for the general public (or almost).
In my opinion, the excess of voice-over dialogue is a handicap that negatively affects the final quality of the work, as there are situations and scenes, looks and expressions that do not need to be explained, and whose cinematographic language could have been better worked on, creating an intimate, less obvious atmosphere.
I am not familiar with the work of Catherine Robbe-Grillet on which this plot is based, freely reinterpreted by Metzger himself, but I can confirm that the choice of Rebecca Brooke (real name Mary Mendum) is one of the great successes, as her virginal beauty and shy, pubescent appearance made her, at the time, one of the goddesses of adult cinema, along with Annette Haven and Brigitte Lahaie, among others, despite her brief career in adult cinema. In fact, she participated in a few erotic films, but rarely showed an explicit or pornographic side (Les mille et une perversions de Felicia, 1975).
By MartinOaks​

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Love (2015)

Country: France, Belgium
Language: English original
Subtitles: Spanish (optional not embedded)
Length: 02:09:23
Resolution: 1920x806 (Bluray)
Size: MP4 2,85Gb
Genre: Drama, Romance,

The script is laughable and the acting (often voice-over), too. The 3D sex is well marketed. And yes, during certain scenes people got up and left. Yet. The film doesn't argue to be anything beyond a meandering stroll into the gallows melancholy. And it does this very very well. The film features no highbrow intellectual conversations but instead, favors the same lines you've probably slung at your lovers. Again and again and again. Just like the sex you've had with your lovers again and again and again. You know their bodies and you know how to please them and above all, you know how to hurt them. Sorrow. There's a resplendent simplicity here that hypnotizes the viewer.
You hear music banging inside the club, yet the lovers are outside in halflight. Having sex, obviously. This is a good image of what this film surprisingly achieves best: intimacy. And it fights for that with it's magnificent camera-work and editing.
But what would this review be if it didn't talk about the 3D sex? Love and cinema are inseparable. Love stories are why you stick glued to a chair for a couple of hours. Raw sex is part of love, yet, films used to cut to birds necking after a kiss. Then it became steamy windows. Signs, metaphors, analogies, semiotic nausea. And here, Noé takes that away which makes the film even coarser, and ultimately more brutal.
I wanted to write this review because the whole marketing ("finally a love story restricted for -16) and shock value (an eye-rolling warning in the opening credits) have cheapened what this film has achieved and I encourage viewers to look beyond.
By kevinjk1​

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9 Songs (2004)
AKA Nine Songs

Country: UK
Language: English original
Subtitles: Spanish (optional not embedded)
Length: 01:09:39
Resolution: 1338x720 (HDRip)
Size: MP4 1,54Gb
Genre: Drama, Romance, Music,

This film is yet another example of Michael Winterbottom's versatility. One peculiar aspect of it is that the scenes of lovemaking are divided by songs (hence the title). The film is only a little over 60 minutes so we get 30 minutes of music and 30 minutes of sex. It's fairly gentle, loving sex, with a short foray into mild bondage at the end, but it is indisputably real sex. There is a rather wistful atmosphere because with the opening scenes of a light plane flying low over the Antarctic wastes it is clear that Matt (Kieran O'Brien) is reflecting on the past, on his short affair with Lisa, a younger American woman in London. Matt is a glaciologist who spends his time uncovering the secrets of the earth's past. Lisa's background is not sketched in. In fact we learn little about her except that she does rather like sex and doesn't have to fall hopelessly in love with someone to enjoy their body. Matt is left only with a few warm memories.
The 9 songs are mostly noisy rock numbers from bands playing in the cavernous Brixton Academy, though there is at least one decent Michael Nyman number. It seems Matt and Lisa both like the stuff (they first meet there) and the songs kind of punctuate the relationship, but again, there is not a great deal of meaning.
Matt is played by Kieran O'Brien, previously seen as Fitz's difficult teenage son in "Cracker", and he certainly meets the physical demands his role requires. Margo Stilley as Lisa plays her in an uncomplicated fashion. I thought they were both pretty brave to do this and I hope it doesn't hurt their careers. It was something of an achievement to get this film past the censors but it clearly falls into the "Art" rather than "Pornography" category. I do wonder though, as I did with "Shortbus," what's coming next. I don't think, even in adult love stories I want to see all the anatomical detail. I'd much rather have some crackling dialogue or even just some nice scenery.
By Philby-3​

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Le Baiser (2015)
AKA The Kiss
[Hardcore Edition]

Country: France
Language: French and English original
Subtitles: English embedded on French parts
Length: 01:17:14
Resolution: 1920x1080 (Bluray)
Size: MP4 2,27Gb
Genre: Romance,

Actually things get heated up - like really explicit! The movie doesn't hide it (imdb is also telling you what this will be showing - a lot) - there have been a lot of surprises watching movies for me, different sorts of surprises. Because I mostly don't read up on what I'm about to watch. It's supposed to be a fresh experience for me. The movie starts with intercourse though and yes you can see everything. So right off the bat (that's not an innuendo is it?), things start ... coming together.
Now you could ask, is it necessary to show genitalia? The story would have worked with less for sure, though there are some "shocking" (for some gay sex is probably even more than just shocking) scenes that are probably elevated by it. It also would be like asking if a horror movie had to show all that blood and gore. There are different movies for different tastes. And yes this is a drama about relationship, commitment and the "forbidden fruit" (relationship) ... sort of igniting a fire that got almost extinguished.
There are different layers to this and if you don't mind the sexual nature of it all, the story is quite decent. Acting is ok too, even if not top notch. Since you've been reading what this is about your a couple steps ahead of me - no pun intended - in your decision making process.
By kosmasp​

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Fleshpot on 42nd Street (1972)
[Director’s Cut]

Country: USA
Language: English original + commentaries
Subtitles: English (optional not embedded)
Length: 01:27:15
Resolution: 1280x720 (HDRip)
Size: MKV 1,74Gb
Genre: Drama, Sexploitation,

Dusty Cole (Laura Cannon) is a woman living in New York City where she finds herself broke and in a bad place. She agrees to move in wide drag queen and prostitute Cherry Lane (Neil Flanagan) but soon she too is turning tricks for cash. Before long Dusty meets Bob (Harry Reems) and the two quickly fall in love but Cherry puts pressure on Dusty to do one more trick.
I've seen a little over a dozen Andy Milligan movies and I must admit that I rarely give them more than a half a star. The majority of his movies are BOMB rated so obviously I don't think too much of him as a director. At the same time, I understand the cult following that has built around him over the past decade. With that said, I was completely shocked at how good FLESHPOT ON 42ND STREET was. The story itself isn't anything overly original but I thought the film has a certain rawness that worked in its favor and the film also benefited from a terrific performance by Cannon.
Cannon's filmography is mostly porn titles but I must say that she was excellent in the role of this woman who just wants happiness but finds one bad situation after another. I thought Cannon was extremely believable in the part and she brought a certain tenderness that made you care for the character. Flanagan, a Milligan favorite, is also quite good in the role of the drag queen. The line delivery and the way Flanagan can go from good to bad was performed very well. Reems is also good in his supporting part and look fast for Fred Lincoln of THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT fame.
Milligan does a fine job building up the story and this is certainly the best movie I've seen from him. I thought he did a very good job at making the film seem very realistic as if you were watching real people. There are some great shots of 42nd Street during its exploitation glory days that fans will enjoy. There's a lot of nudity in the film as well as some sexual violence but it just helps the drama of the story.
By Michael_Elliott​

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Thriller - en grym film (1973)
AKA Thriller: A Cruel Picture
[Hardcore Version]

Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish original
Subtitles: English (optional not embedded)
Length: 01:48:14
Resolution: 1800x1080 (Bluray)
Size: MP4 2,36Gb
Genre: Thriller, Action, Drama, Sexploitation,

This is pretty dark and distressing stuff. Apparently Sweden does have some other cinematic export products besides Ingmar Bergman and Bo Widerberg. This strange and quite original exploitation gem by Bo Arne Vibenius recently got a little more attention (if only a little) because of Quentin Tarantino, who paid homage to this film with KILL BILL and called it "the roughest revenge picture ever made". For an exploitation-flick, it's not that rough at all, but it definitely has some very potent scenes but nothing really gory, and most of all, the blood and the fighting look so deliciously fake, I doubt anyone could take it as very disturbing. Most of the time, nothing really happens at all, but there's a certain atmosphere that makes the film strangely compelling.
A young girl (Christina Lindberg) is growing up mute after a childhood sexual assault and spends years working on a remote farm. After missing the bus one day, she is picked up by a seedy well-dressed man who kidnaps the girl, gets her addicted to heroine, cuts her left-eye out, and forces her into slavery and prostitution. Any other girl would give in, but not this one. She seeks vengeance, and, fortunately, has the weekends off, so she can learn martial arts, race-driving and military weaponry.
In some earlier comments I noticed people were put off by some hardcore pornography, which there was in the earlier DVD-release under the title THRILLER: A CRUEL PICTURE. Distributor Synapse decided to release the tamer, but still quite brutal, American version THRILLER: THEY CALL HER ONE EYE, which is the only version I have seen. I cannot imagine hardcore pornography would improve the film, so I suggest watching this "softer" version instead.
By Camera-Obscura​

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