Our Own Movie? - MSSfilms

Own Movie of the MssBoard

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Active Member

idk why, but i was thinking about why we don't create as mssboard our own movie? We buy and rent movies for 5-10 Dollar.If you add this there is a lot of money people invest.

The Idea:
I cant imagine that Morning Interim, had a big Budget for the Serie. The Quality of the Series are Shit even my Iphone make better movies. And the topic? yea its bullshit too. I was thinking we can do it better.

We collect Money as crwodfunding. (Idk how many would participate and active here)
Hire a Young Talented moviemaker with no much experience. Give him the Money, Choosing the Actress. I think the topic of the Movie would be not sooo important at the beginning.
For Crowdfunding member the movie would be free, for other it costs like in Vimeo. The earned Money goes to the next film.

of course its just an idea. it would be better torture himself for finding good content in movies.

Maybe the Idea is Crap maybe not as I said.


New Member
This is essentially my area as both a content creater, photographer and filmmaker in the UK Adult business

Funding I'd easily the biggest hurdle. Models to shoot such scenes don't come cheap due to its nature and the risk they take by doing them. If you want genuine ability to act as well thats tougher still

I'd also say finding a young inexperienced moviemaker is an awful idea. This type of content requiers extreme levels of trust and the upmost appropriate conduct on shoot day, you're only a few wrong words away from being sued when making people have sex for on camera...

but naturally... I volunteer myself for such projects!

Overall its not a terrible idea to club together and make the movies we want to see, thats how many ideas start!


Active Member
This is essentially my area as both a content creater, photographer and filmmaker in the UK Adult business

Funding I'd easily the biggest hurdle. Models to shoot such scenes don't come cheap due to its nature and the risk they take by doing them. If you want genuine ability to act as well thats tougher still

I'd also say finding a young inexperienced moviemaker is an awful idea. This type of content requiers extreme levels of trust and the upmost appropriate conduct on shoot day, you're only a few wrong words away from being sued when making people have sex for on camera...

but naturally... I volunteer myself for such projects!

Overall its not a terrible idea to club together and make the movies we want to see, thats how many ideas start!

I think the Adult Business is a little bit different or not? The Main Act is Sex, and you clear all things before the Shoot to guarantee yourself, but a shooting for example a Short Film, unsimulated sex is just on a sideline because the movie has a topic.

Due the costs: Adult porn Stars charge maybe a lot but a Actress who's not etablished, I expect lower costs. Of course it depends on where to hire (Country) and shoot the movie.

Time is Money. I watch a lot of scenes to find a scene that 'turns' me on. If we would produce a movie we would also save time...

My Intention was to produce a low budget movie/Serie with 1/2 Actress like Morning Interim but with the content we want. If you watch Morning Interim, I can't imagine the Actress charge a lot of money but to find someone, yes this could be problematic.

I mean @jkrc was also searching for Actress.


IMHO, while this is a great idea in theory, the implementation is most likely doomed to failure. The main reason for this is that the whole concept is based around the "unsimulated" part and not the "movie" part.

If you had a great, perhaps oscar-worthy script or a big name involved in the production (e.g. Lars von Trier, Gaspar Noe), you might had been able to "slip in" the unsimulated sex part. This would provide a prospective "real" actress the incentive to go all in. Alternatively, if you had an actress that you know personally and that trusts you (friend, family member, colleague, ...) you might had been able to persuade her to join because of inter-personal reasons. As it stands, an actress (aspiring or not) who would do this just for a paycheck would probably be a sex-worker of some kind. If a serious actress really needed the money or decided she wanted to go the porn route for some non-artistic reason, she can always open an OnlyFans accounts which is safer and easier for her.

As for using sex workers: Lust Cinema is producing "series" and "movies" with pornstars that aim to appear "real". They do not. That's what you get for putting the porn first and the contents second.


I don't know, even if all the planets aligned and we managed to make this happen, I feel that the magic will be lost. Why you ask? Since "we" will be the producers, we will know beforehand what the explicit scene will be like, who will star in it, watch it develop and so forth until it goes public, which in turn; at least for me; will lose the magic in the whole unsimulated idea, because that scene(s) will be well embedded and consumed by our brains, that will in some way lose its interest. It feels different to anticipate for an upcoming movie that you know for sure it will have an explicit scene, even know the stars in it, but can't wait to see it for the first time.


Staff member
I don't know, even if all the planets aligned and we managed to make this happen, I feel that the magic will be lost. Why you ask? Since "we" will be the producers, we will know beforehand what the explicit scene will be like, who will star in it, watch it develop and so forth until it goes public, which in turn; at least for me; will lose the magic in the whole unsimulated idea, because that scene(s) will be well embedded and consumed by our brains, that will in some way lose its interest. It feels different to anticipate for an upcoming movie that you know for sure it will have an explicit scene, even know the stars in it, but can't wait to see it for the first time.
Yes, but to touch the history of the explicit in mainstream is priceless).


Staff member
It is, of course, difficult to induce famous actresses to shoot explicit scenes (if you are not Trier). But there are many beginning actresses.


Active Member
I am an actor, writer, and director. One of the reasons I joined this site is because of how intrigued I am with unsimulated sex in movies. I've done all the other genera's. So this is something i wanted to explore, and create. I have in development a 10 episode short film series. This isn't something for me to just have sex with hot actresses/models. If this was the case my career would be over. Stuff like that isn't tolerated. So the project(s) have to be legit, and professional.

My series is legitimate. A series of short black, and white art films with a story. The films would give IMDB credits, go to film festivals, and get distribution. Without those things, you're wasting your time. I can do it. It would be shot photoshoot style. i wrote it, will direct it, will shoot it, co-star. I have the credentials, IMDB, etc. I've spoken to a few actresses/models through casting websites some on social media. I've had a few that were interested including some of the more popular IG models.

Here are the issues:

1 - As I said, they need to be assured that the film will go somewhere. IMDB credits, distribution, etc. The more credentials you have, the better.
2- You need money. First time type actresses/models who are extremely hot are not difficult to find that would agree to do it or agree to do it as real as possible. It's at least $1,500 plus travel and expenses. For a one day shoot. A very popular instagram model told me she would do it for 10k. I don't know about the more popular actresses. Some are cheaper, some are more expensive.
3 - A casting director is needed. It's very difficult for me, as the person they work with to offer these types of roles. As professional, and legit as it is, it's a red flag for the guy you will be having sex with or close to it to be the one casting. They also CARE if they are attracted to that actor. I've been a lead actor so I haven't had issues with women working with me. With a casting director, what the person looks like becomes less important because they understand they can't choose, but they still care. You must have good communication skills to get them to consider the job, what they will be doing, or what's agreed upon, and negotiate a deal. A good social media following helps a ton!

I'm ready to roll. It would cost at least $2,000 each short film. And that's as cheap as you can get. Again, depending on the actress or model.

If people here want to help make this happen, and contact some actresses/models you'd like to see (realistically) you'd all have to donate money to a kickstarter I can start. And those of you who best fit as "casting directors" to contact the models/actresses. Money, and good communication, and I'm good to go. It's quite easy.

If any of you are serious, you can DM me. SERIOUS only. I can show my credentials, and we can figure it out. AGAIN, serious only or else I can't put my name out there.

Let me also say that the best way is to contact the actress/model directly, and not go through agencies. Most agencies will shoot it down without the actress/model even knowing about it. Even if they did want to do it.
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Active Member
Personally, I would want to do a short film with Janaina Liesenfeld. She's very hot, and in the movie YUNG she did unsimulated lesbian, masturbation, and close to unsimulated sex with an old man. So she is a realistic option. Basically, someone with great communication skills contacts her, gives her all the info, see what she's open to, negotiates a price (the more money the more they do), signs an agreement, and it's done.


Active Member
on the one hand, the idea is tempting and it would be interesting to touch the creation of such a film, and on the other hand, mammos correctly said that the moment of waiting will be lost ... and the unknown is more intriguing


Active Member
Yeah I think when your at the point of making a film specifically for explicit sex, it's just porn.
And when you get actresses ok to do a film about explicit sex, they are just adult film stars.
Totally misses the point.

For me, I enjoy this sort of stuff because it comes out of nowhere and you have these actresses going the "extra mile" for the "plot".
it's not extra mile if the entire purpose is the sex.


Active Member
I mentioned here before I'm a filmmaker. I now started pre-production on an erotic series. Some will be unsimulated, some will not be. I currently have a nationwide casting call. It will be real actresses/models. Or at least aspiring ones. If any of you know of such actresses, or models that you know personally, or would love to see in this series that you believe might do it... shoot me a DM


Active Member
I mentioned here before I'm a filmmaker. I now started pre-production on an erotic series. Some will be unsimulated, some will not be. I currently have a nationwide casting call. It will be real actresses/models. Or at least aspiring ones. If any of you know of such actresses, or models that you know personally, or would love to see in this series that you believe might do it... shoot me a DM
update us here


Active Member
I'm sorry to talk about it, but I find it very interesting!

And I agree with the forum members who indicate that discovering a film containing an explicit scene is more interesting than participating in it.

And I agree that producing a film that includes an explicit sex scene for the sole purpose of including an explicit scene is somehow equivalent to making porn.

The scene must be part of a project, it is an added value, but it does not constitute the whole film.

I take this example again, but, because we have a behind-the-scenes interview on this film (sexual chronicle of a family today), it allows us to know more about the creation of such a project and it is indicated in the interview (available on the forum) that the casting was tedious. And we are talking about a budget of 500,000 euros to produce the film, that costs a lot of money, even a short film can't be cheap!

First of all, I think you must first have legitimacy as a director. And this is the case of the director of the film “Sexual Chronicle of a Family Today”. It wasn't his first film, he's a recognized director in the industry, etc. It's not just anyone and that brings credibility to the project.

In the interview, the actor indicates that he took the time to think, he did not accept the project on a whim. He had spoken to his loved ones about it to get their opinion. He took the time to question the relevance of the project. I suppose that Mathias and Adeline would not have thrown themselves body and soul into the project if he had not believed in it.

The directors gave them confidence, on the day of filming, the technical team ensured that it was minimalist. They didn't impose anything.

The actors took the time to chat before the scenes. And it created a lot of complicity between them, as Mathias indicates, it was a real adventure for them. An experience you won't forget.

It's different from filming a porno, once the scene is shot in principle, we no longer see the technical team, the actor, the actress.

In the case of a film like “Sexual Chronicle of a Family Today” the filming of the film does not stop with the filming of the explicit scenes, there is everything else to produce.

You imagine, the day after the shoot, you see the technical team again, the director who saw you making love in real life the day before. It is special, hence the establishment of a climate of trust and respect. I think it's a completely different state of mind to shoot an explicit scene. It can't be as easy as you'd like to think.

There is always the easy way out, making a film containing an explicit scene with a double or casting an adult actress, but I find that this takes away all the charm from the scene. The fact that they are ordinary actors is what gives all the charm to films with an explicit sex scene. Well, that's just my opinion.

It is however a shame that no interview with the actress is available, I would have been curious to have her point of view, why she accepted the project, did she have any fears? how did she experience filming, after filming, etc., what was her state of mind.
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Active Member
i mentioned before i'm working on mine. Still working on it. Trying to turn it into a short series. It's a black, and white, horror, art film. I have the credentials. I've been a leading actor for 15+ years I was on netflix, tubi, all of it. And then I become an actor, writer, and director. Low budget films. I won't share who i am, or my IMDB to maintain privacy. Reputation is a big deal.

It's not easy to find models/actresses to do nude, unsimulated sex, simulated sex, etc... but it's also not difficult. Especially if you offer privacy. Like editing out nudity, or explicit scenes. And of course money talks. Ultimately, even with my credentials, the problem is that my role would be like a photographer. I'd shoot it, direct it, and co-star. Being the director, and co-star gives women red flags. If I had a casting director, this would all be fairly easy. Real models, real actresses and not porn stars or sex workers. Most have no experience. They might do instagram modeling, and those are the best ones to get, and easiest. But those are also the ones that get paranoid.

I've had a few that agreed, but ultimately didn't work out. Some agreed and got cold feet. I've had discussions with many models/actresses, and I am still in discussion with some. I'm also an attractive man. Which helps.

Then there's money. But it doesn't cost a lot of money at all. Most of these women just want the opportunity.

So if anyone is serious about doing a movie, or helping with mine. Since mine is everything we want. And it would be a 10 episode series. A different girl each episode. Send me a private message.

1 - I'm looking for those who can make a post on a casting site like backstage, Backstage casting will give you a flood of models/actress that will apply for the role. Or contact models/actresses on social media. Or someone who has a friend, or know someone personally who is, or wants to be a model, and actress. And then do all the communication, and negotiations. Basically people acting as casting directors.

2- If people want to invest money. Put in into a pot.

I can make it happen. So, again, if anyone is serious about this, and want to help... send me a private message.