18+ Chroniques sexuelles d'une famille


when is the dvd release, because i heard a lot of diffirent dates ;)

That's because there are different release dates. In Germany it's on sale already as of yesterday ( http://www.amazon.de/Frankreich-Pri...CVJ2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1349647360&sr=8-1) in France it will release on November 20th ( http://www.amazon.fr/Chroniques-Sex...1VWC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1349647287&sr=8-1 ) In the States it will go on sale on October 16th ( http://www.amazon.com/Sexual-Chroni...keywords=sexual+chronicles+of+a+french+family ) etc etc etc