Vica Kerekes unknown movie(s)


New Member
Hi. This is my first post here. I read the posting rules. Apologize if any mistakes are made. Let me know if any corrections need to be made.

So I'm looking for a movie or scenes from a Vica Kerekes movie, which is so far unlisted pratically everywhere. I know of its existence due to its clips showing up in a YouTube compilation show reel and she briefly mentioning it in an interview.

So here is how I found out about this scene.
Vica Kerekes showreel (@0:36 @0:56 and @1:00)

Here are the caps. These appear to be from the same movie/screening because you can see the timestamps, etc in the video. Looks like a Screener.

ME129LUW_t.jpg ME129LUX_t.jpg ME129LUY_t.jpg ME129LUZ_t.jpg ME129LV0_t.jpg

I'm not sure if this scene is from the same movie, because the timestamps are missing here. So maybe its a different movie.

ME129LV1_t.jpg ME129LV2_t.jpg ME129LV3_t.jpg ME129LV4_t.jpg ME129LV5_t.jpg ME129LV6_t.jpg ME129LV7_t.jpg ME129LV8_t.jpg

Here is the interview she talked about it once in 2008. I think the movie is called 'A vadlány című boszorkánytörténetet', or The Wild Girl in Transylvania (or The Wild Girl Witch Story). Looking at the context, it has to be the same movie. It really hard to find an unreleased movie from 2008 which has no information to lead with.


{The original text is in Hungarian.}

- És annyira egymásra találtatok, hogy majd dolgoztok együtt később is? Te lettél a múzsája?

- Ezt így nem mondta soha, de szeretném azt hinni, hogy igen. (nevet) Eszembe szokott jutni, hogy vajon fogok-e még dolgozni azokkal, akikkel eddig dolgoztam. Arról senki nem beszél, hogy mennyire van megelégedve az emberrel. Fura, mert Szlovákiában és Csehországban sokkal hamarabb mondja azt egy rendező, hogy te nagyon jó vagy. Nekik ez nem esik nehezükre. Itt nagyon ritkán szakad ki a rendezőkből egy-egy dicséret. Zoli volt az egyedüli, aki egy olyan nehéz jelenet után, ahol, mondjuk, meg kellett szabadulnom a ruhámtól, odajött és megölelt. Az emberek azt hiszik, hogy ez a legegyszerűbb: ledobod a ruháidat, és annyi. Forgattam nemrég Erdélyben A vadlány című boszorkánytörténetet, és abban volt egy olyan jelenet, amiben megerőszakolt a férjem, aztán én meg megölöm az ágyban. Ott például semmiféle támogatást nem kaptam.

{Google translate reveals this}

"And did you find each other so much that you'll work together later?" Did you become his muse?

"He never said that, but I'd like to think so." (name)I used to wonder if I was going to still work with those I’ve worked with so far. No one talks about how satisfied he is with a person. Strange, because in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, a director says much sooner that you are very good. It is not difficult for them. Here, it is very rare to get a praise from the directors. Zoli was the only one who came and hugged me after a difficult scene where, say, I had to get rid of my clothes. People think it’s the simplest: you drop your clothes and that’s it. I recently shot a witch story called The Wild Girl in Transylvania, and there was a scene in which my husband raped me and then I killed him in bed. There, for example, I did not receive any support.

CSFD is the Slovakian IMDB, even they don't have this movie listed for Vica.

Here are some links that lead to know where, but usually are good references.

Anybody has any info or how to go further? It would be helpful to know who the Director or Studio is.


New Member
The first set of caps is from Boszorkánykör (2009).

From this interview looks like she was main lead and shot many scenes, but then later they went with another actress, they told her she was too cute for the role. You can see the whole movie in the link below. The only scene left of her in the movie is @35:00. The scene from below is @01:14:00, but with a different actress. Looks like this reel with Vica was leaked at some point, and probably we'll never seen it.

The second set of caps is from A kisertes (2007).