Masturbation The Degenerates (2021)


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to lie, I've been aware of this film for a week or two now and was planning not to post it. The film contains plenty of explicit female nudity(only one actress), vulva, explicit female masturbation, and female urination. Sounds great right? Not really. I usually don't mind horror and gory films that contains explicit scenes, but this one is a bit too gross for me(and I know many on this site do not care for these type of films), so yeah beware of and don't watch if you can not stomach gross/graphic/gory content. The other big issue is that it's a found footage/docu-style film, based on a real story from the 80s. Guess what that means, the shittiest film quality. It's so bad it's almost a self censor, you can hardly make out any details of the explicit scenes. One last thing, while it doesn't bother me, I'm pretty sure the actress is a porn star.

I'd figure I would share it anyways just in case anyone is interested in watching. Last warning, gross/graphic/gory content ahead.



New Member
Hello, I would like to thank you for also sharing this type of cinema. Actually, even if you don't believe it, there are many people who like to see this type of movie. For example, I like to criticize, and now I can do it from this one. :)