

Active Member
Onlyfans content is prohibited here. Please refrain from posting any Onlyfans content.
Just out of curiosity, is there any specific reason why? Also there was a member, Lalidora who posted those kind of stuff alot here at the Not Mainstream section. I saw many of his posts have been deleted and his account deactivated. I've downloaded a couple of his stuff and I'm worried whether if it was buggy or something?


Staff member
This content is considered premium and has a lot of problems with copyright holders. The user was deleted because he did not respond to warnings. Most likely the software posted several messages per day. We cannot consider it part of the community. Just a bot to make money.


Active Member
This content is considered premium and has a lot of problems with copyright holders. The user was deleted because he did not respond to warnings. Most likely the software posted several messages per day. We cannot consider it part of the community. Just a bot to make money.
I must be either getting real old or am just too outdated as I had no idea bots could post links, screenshots or the like.

In any case, thank you for clarifying.