Is it possible to share the solution to this my friend?
Yeah. I'm using an Android phone, so it may differ for other devices.
1. Click the Google drive link which opens up the adfly site
2. Wait for the skip option to become available on the top right corner then click
3. That will open up another adfly page which will keep spamming for you to allow notifications and popping up ads
4. It takes a while, but keep blocking and X-ing out the pop up ads until a new skip button becomes available.
5. You will not be able to standard click the skip button this time, try all you want, but it won't do anything, you'll have to hold click/right click to copy link address or open link in tap/page
6. Now you have the Googledrive page to watch or download the movie.
I finished combing through them last night, unfortunately some of them do not work, was removed for TOS reasons or you need special access. You do not figure out which are this way without going through all of the above process, which is annoying. Some of the ones I know are good from the Picardia app are this way as well a some of the ones I have not seen.