Well-Known Member
Gabriela Skrabakova
Was born in 1970 in Trnava, Czechoslovakia
Actress and presenter Gabika Dkrabбkovб Kreutz graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. With her acting performances, she enriched a number of plays at the Slovak National Theater, the New Stage, the Astorka Korzo '90 Theater, the Nitra Theater, the GUnaGU Theater and the West Theater. She has acted in a number of Slovak and foreign films. Among the most important are Frogs and other fish, The Secret of the alchemist Storitz, Escape, Lucidor, Elf, On Thin Ice, Scomparsi, Lake or the series Mountain Service.
In addition to theater, he also performs dubbing and modeling. For several years, viewers had the opportunity to watch her as a moderator in music programs of Slovak Television - Top 20 Slovakia, Poptriad and Music Documents. For a time she was the partner of the Italian singer Al Ban. In 1992, she appeared as a singer on Jбn Lehotskэ's music CD entitled Janko Lehotskэ and Friends.

Gabriela Skrabakova - Paralelni Svety - 2001.mp4
299.87 mb
2.55 min
Was born in 1970 in Trnava, Czechoslovakia
Actress and presenter Gabika Dkrabбkovб Kreutz graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. With her acting performances, she enriched a number of plays at the Slovak National Theater, the New Stage, the Astorka Korzo '90 Theater, the Nitra Theater, the GUnaGU Theater and the West Theater. She has acted in a number of Slovak and foreign films. Among the most important are Frogs and other fish, The Secret of the alchemist Storitz, Escape, Lucidor, Elf, On Thin Ice, Scomparsi, Lake or the series Mountain Service.
In addition to theater, he also performs dubbing and modeling. For several years, viewers had the opportunity to watch her as a moderator in music programs of Slovak Television - Top 20 Slovakia, Poptriad and Music Documents. For a time she was the partner of the Italian singer Al Ban. In 1992, she appeared as a singer on Jбn Lehotskэ's music CD entitled Janko Lehotskэ and Friends.

Gabriela Skrabakova - Paralelni Svety - 2001.mp4
299.87 mb
2.55 min