I'm pretty sure the "original" explicit version made it quite clear that this is no PG-13 film. She had nude lesbian scenes in the temple, sex scenes with Malcolm McDowell and with Teresa Ann Savoy, etc. There were also plenty of scenes with the main cast that had graphic nudity and violence done either by them or by extras in the background of their scenes (Peter O'Toole's grotto scene with the naked "freaks" and the killing of a naked drunken soldier by tying off his penis, force-feeding him wine so he can't pee it, and then gutting him to release said wine). I mean, they took money from Guccione and used his Penthouse models for the main cast shoots!
However, explicit as it may be, the original footage showed no unsimulated sex - only graphic nudity. Or so we're told. The cast riled against crossing the line into hardcore territory. For them (allegedly) it's like the difference between
Game of Thrones and
Game of Bones: Winter Is Cumming.
Fun fact: I didn't know Game of Bones existed until writing this post. I just assumed that if there's a porn version of Game of Thrones (
Rule 34 of the Internet), that's how it would be called. I googled it and was proven right - porn producers really don't try too hard, do they?