18+ Blue Is the Warmest Color - new film with explicit sex


Staff member
Good news I read is it got picked up by some US production company, but bad news is it might be cut, who knows.
Good news though is if Irreversible's rape scene can be scene in full (and people REALLY walked out on that) then why not this? Bad news... I also read it might not be out until October! That seems like a long ways away. Hopefully we'll get it sooner. :D


good and bad i guess.............there will be so much going now that we may never see the full uncut version for quite some time


Well these are some great news! I already said in other posts how great it would be if we had an exclusive lesbian-oriented film with unsimulated acts rather than the ones portraying gays. Well we already had one "Joven y Alocada" which was a huge let down, but based on the reviews of this one it truly sounds promising. What I am afraid of are the censors, they might force them to release a censored theatrical version and this is bad, because we still do not know whether we will get to see the full uncut thing. Damn somebody go to Cannes and steal a copy of it!


This is fantastic news. The Cannes awards have just legitimized graphic sex scenes in mainstream cinema. This was a very important step not only to those of us who enjoy these films but it also fights censorship and prudish views of the last normal healthy interaction between human beings.


This is fantastic news. The Cannes awards have just legitimized graphic sex scenes in mainstream cinema. This was a very important step not only to those of us who enjoy these films but it also fights censorship and prudish views of the last normal healthy interaction between human beings.
I fear this so called victory may or may not be short lived it is only in the coming years that we shall see what the true out come of all this truly means as I suspect the only reason some of those people at Cannes even bothered to do this simply was nothing short of a stunt at trying to make people think that hey we're on your side because some French ministers have become a little disgusted (their words) by sexuality in the mainstream medium so they are actively trying to get some policies in place to curb the artistic rights of the filmmakers so there has been a huge outcry of people not wanting these bastards to tread upon our affairs hence why Spielberg (one only has to look at this toads work to truly know the man so you have to ask yourself since when did this become an authority figure on sex? I will tell you since never) and Co. decided to cease upon this news yet another clever ploy for them to pit people against one another in the grander scheme of things so you have the one side the older farts talking oh well in my day we never had people so much as kiss on the cheeks much less touch each other etc.... then there is going to other side which is people like us on this forum plus the blue hair actress (Lea) is starting to tell a bunch of lies about the pussy shots were of fake pussy molds filmed at an sfx studio (what fucking sfx studio in France during and after the filming would be able to squeeze in a film of such a small magnitude I would really love to know this fact Lea because I can assure you that there aren't many studios in general to begin with much less one who isn't already busy with action sequences fucking lying ass bitch) I take it from her lies that daddy dearest was very much upset after he saw it yesterday and he must have given her schooling contrary to what she said about the matter so now basically what she is starting to say to probably turn people off from even watching is that the sex was simulated and what all those fine and very much experienced people saw it never happened the way they all agreed it did and that she could never do it for real how disgusting of her to say such filth


Yeah man I just read this statement myself which makes me wonder didn't anyone from the whole experienced audience noticed that they were using molds rather than doing it for real? I mean come on, this scene was the most talked-about in the festival, I am sure that the question rose between the audience as to whether it was real or not and surely they must have asked around people that were involved in the making of the film, and since not one of the reviews that I read that come from good sources even state that the scene looked real but they used molds, I backup your theory that she is lying. And how the hell do you place a mold on top of a pussy without it looking missplaced as in extending from its original place (I hope you understand what I am trying to say)? Unless sfx was used as she claims, which still needs efforts to make it look as real as possible... Of course it all depends on what the scenes are like, the angles they were shot and so forth to determine on what positions the molds were used (if they used any)...


Yeah man I just read this statement myself which makes me wonder didn't anyone from the whole experienced audience noticed that they were using molds rather than doing it for real? I mean come on, this scene was the most talked-about in the festival, I am sure that the question rose between the audience as to whether it was real or not and surely they must have asked around people that were involved in the making of the film, and since not one of the reviews that I read that come from good sources even state that the scene looked real but they used molds, I backup your theory that she is lying. And how the hell do you place a mold on top of a pussy without it looking missplaced as in extending from its original place (I hope you understand what I am trying to say)? Unless sfx was used as she claims, which still needs efforts to make it look as real as possible... Of course it all depends on what the scenes are like, the angles they were shot and so forth to determine on what positions the molds were used (if they used any)...
Yep and also you have to remember that the director, the critics as well as others on the set have all said that it was shot at multiple angles and a much slower pace in such a way that there would be absolutely no doubt at all to even question what was really happening other than the most obvious heck even the author of the novel just came out classifying it as being a porno after she saw it and obviously since according to her she was never consulted on the making of it etc..... so although being extremely upset her credibility is going to be more intact than that of Lea's


molds my a**! these wannabe or upcoming actresses will do anything to get talked about then flatly deny it later on when they are so called 'known'................... why would a director waste so much time filming such to get molds etc when could just use other actors who would be quite willing to work the film without inhibitions...............


I've been trying to find a review that actually breaks down this "10-minute explicit lesbian scene" as to what is really going on during that scene, but still haven't found anything. Anyone that might have had more luck?


I've been trying to find a review that actually breaks down this "10-minute explicit lesbian scene" as to what is really going on during that scene, but still haven't found anything. Anyone that might have had more luck?

I found a review which states that you have (amongst other things) a) cunnilingus b) 69 ! c) spanking !! There are three sex scenes, so I don't know if this is in the same one.
As to "will he cut the movie to make it shorter" Kechiche already stated that the released movie will probably be even longer. Which makes me wonder : since everyone is aking about the lesbo sex, and we know that, first, Adele loses her virginity earlier in the film, will there be explicit B/G sex scene ? (both actors are real-life couple now!)
We'll have to wait :(


I found a review which states that you have (amongst other things) a) cunnilingus b) 69 ! c) spanking !! There are three sex scenes, so I don't know if this is in the same one.
As to "will he cut the movie to make it shorter" Kechiche already stated that the released movie will probably be even longer. Which makes me wonder : since everyone is aking about the lesbo sex, and we know that, first, Adele loses her virginity earlier in the film, will there be explicit B/G sex scene ? (both actors are real-life couple now!)
We'll have to wait :(
Wait a minute you mean the two female leads are lesbos now or just the one girl and the guy she sleeps with?


I found a review which states that you have (amongst other things) a) cunnilingus b) 69 ! c) spanking !! There are three sex scenes, so I don't know if this is in the same one.
As to "will he cut the movie to make it shorter" Kechiche already stated that the released movie will probably be even longer. Which makes me wonder : since everyone is aking about the lesbo sex, and we know that, first, Adele loses her virginity earlier in the film, will there be explicit B/G sex scene ? (both actors are real-life couple now!)
We'll have to wait :(

Thank for the update HellThom is it possible that you can provide the link to the review because I am really curious? :p