Explicit Cumper - The Erotic Family (Rosario Gallardo)



Files links (mirrored.to)

Last one for today, "Cumper" is a porn documentary done by Rosario Gallardo. She is an Italian porn star, porn activist and performance artist (think a modern Annie Sprinkle) whose performance art involves, well, porn. And sometimes piss, but not in this instance (one suspicious "female ejaculation" though).

"Cumper" tells the story of two porn couples, one in their 40's (Rosario & husband?) and one in their 20's, on a 5 days trip through Italy in a camper van (see what they did there?). Their goal, if I understand it correctly, is to reach and perform in some sort of porn convention, and on the way to have lots of sex and at least one orgasm per day each.

It's a pretty good documentary actually (IMHO). It doesn't feel preachy, unlike some other "porn is bad" documentaries ("9 to 5 - Days in Porn"). The sex feels genuine and they do know how to film it.


It works through the files links (mirrored.to). It's a bit labour intensive, but it works.
Tip: download a free program called JDownloader2 and simply copy the main link. It will crawl through all the mirrors, find which links are still good, download them while load-balancing between hosts and extract the file once finished.


Well-Known Member
Great little movie @sowbb, I wish they'd release all the footage they have, you easily get invested in their trip and I could have watched a couple more hours of it.