Help finding name of movie where girl gets dressed in her bedroom


New Member
I remember watching this movie or TV show a couple years back and it has a scene that I remember clearly but can't for the life of me remember where I saw it. The scene in question is a teenage daughter getting dressed in her bedroom probably just after waking up in the morning. Scene plays out like so many other teen girl getting dressed and getting ready for the day tropes like Clueless. But the thing that was different that sticks out in my mind is you actually see her sitting and pulling up a new pair of underwear up her bare legs. Somewhat similar to the scene where Sara Paxton gets dressed after taking a shower in Last House on the Left, but takes place in her bedroom.

Sound familiar to anyone? Positive its from something with a somewhat decent budget so the girl in question is at least a minor celebrity and I'm sure it came from the last 20 years or so, MAYBE late 90s at worst. And it isn't a sex scene or something where a girl is getting dressed after sleeping with a guy, it was her getting dressed by herself in a bedroom appropriate for a teen girl.